
Time tracking for evernote desktop
Time tracking for evernote desktop

When I signed up for Evernote, I remember thinking to myself, W here the hell has this system been my entire life? It’s become my one-stop-shop organization and productivity system and has allowed me to refine my Type-B-posing-as-Type-A ruse. Once I realized that a planner and Google Calendar were simply not enough for me to juggle my personal affairs, my career as a branded content editor, my schedule as a pediatric emergency nurse, and my content timelines as a TikTok creator, I was willing to try just about any system to combat my tendencies of being forgetful and a little bit of a procrastinator. I heard about Evernote a few years ago in college, but I never hopped on the train until recently, mostly because I didn’t know all of the capabilities it offered beyond note-taking. So why does the rest of the world think that I juggle three jobs with a meticulous attention to detail, organization, and time management? Enter my best-kept secret: Evernote. I’m that girl who sends post-nap “still in bed” selfies as my friends send their final looks to our group chat, I forget my boxed-up leftovers at the restaurant nine times out of 10, and the only thing that I’m truly competitive about is the number of pizza rolls I can chow down in one sitting.

time tracking for evernote desktop

One thing about me? I’m a Type-B person disguised as a Type-A person.

Time tracking for evernote desktop